Christine Ka'aloa is a video/new media artist currently residing in New York.  Her work in 2003, The Listening Pillow, an interactive video bed installation where users navigate through an anonymous dreamer’s dreams via head movements on a pillow, has gained her the honor of being recognized as one of "The New Leonardos" in presentation of The NY Digital Salon 2003. She has exhibited her video and audio works in NY venues such as Remote Lounge & Engine 27, as well as, festivals.
A prior career as a visual artist and butoh dancer
(Iona Dance Company) has led her to exhibit her work and choreograph art performances in Hawaii, Los Angeles and internationally. Her video work strives to address technological issues concerning the body, identity/Otherness and performance.


    e  d  u  c  a  t  i  o  n    &   t  r  a  i  n  i  n  g  :

    2003 MFA Computer Arts,School of Visual Arts. New York, NY.
1998-20001 Iona Dance Company Member
     1994 BFA Fine Arts, University of Southern California. Los Angeles, CA.
     1989-90  Washington University in St. Louis. St.Louis, MO.

  List of Exhibitions :
2005 Fesitval van de Sociale Film 2005: DANSCAMDANSE at Film Festival of Antwerp. Curator: Lazara Rosell Albear. Het Filmhuis. Antwerp, Belgium
DAMSCAMDANSE International Dance Film Festival.
Film-Plateau Ghent, Belgium
Gallery TBD.
Innsbruck, Austria & Los Angeles, CA
V1b3 Summer 05: Video In the Built Environment Project.
Chicago-US, Liverpool-UK, Manchester-UK

Resurrection. Thirty-Nine Hotel Gallery. Honolulu, HI.  
The 38th Annual BAC International Film & Video Festival.
Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY.  


Alive & Gone. Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM)- Rose Cinema.  Brooklyn NY. 


Vortice Argentina Festival: 6th Encuentro Internacional de Poesia Visual, Sonora Y Experimental. Centro Cultural Recoleta.  Buenos Aires, Argentina.    
Collisions. First Avenue Music.  New York, NY 2003.   
MFA Thesis Show. Visual Arts Gallery.  New York, NY 2003.  
DIS-LODGED. Darkness & Light. SVA Westside Gallery .  New York, NY.   

  Home Away From HOME VIDEOS. Remote Lounge. Curated by Jarryd Lowder. New York, NY.
  Vectors: Digital Arts of Our Time : Arts & Events. The World Financial Center Winter Garden. New York, NY.
  The New Leonardos: Multi-Channel Sound Art.Engine 27. New York, NY.
2002 Home Away From HOME VIDEOS. Remote Lounge. New York, NY.
2000 Baby Jesus' Birthday Bash. Maunakea Marketplace Gallery. Honolulu, HI.
  Excavated Expressions. Artmosphere Gallery. Honolulu HI.
  Syndicate. Velvet. Cafe Che'Pasta. Honolulu HI.
  Anonymous Donor. Velvet. Cafe Che'Pasta, Honolulu, HI.
1999 Apocalypse 1999 Williamsburg Arts & Cultural Festival (Juried) Williamsburg Arts & Historical Center, Brooklyn NY.
  Pulp Romance. Pulp Film Festival. Peggy Hopper Gallery, Honolulu HI.
  Fashion Victim 99. SISU Gallery, Honolulu HI. 1998
  Renaissance Nights. Benefit for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Hawaii School for Girls, Honolulu HI.
  Painted / Read Salon. SISU Gallery, Honolulu HI.
  Fit to be Tied: Artists on Same Sex Marriage. Peggy Hopper Gallery, Honolulu HI.
  A Day in a Life. Windward Artists Guild (Juried Exhibition) @ Honolulu Hale Gallery, Honolulu HI.
1997 Color of Heart. Cafe Che'Pasta Resturant. Honolulu HI.
1996 Mark Allen Chai & Christine Ka'aloa. Cup O'Joe Cafe, Honolulu HI.
1994 Senior Exhibitions. Auxilary Gallery @ University of Southern California, Los Angeles CA
  3 on Paint. USC Fine Arts Gallery, Los Angeles, CA.
  Spring Collections. (Juried Show. Curator: Ruth Weisberg) Helen Fischer Gallery , Los Angeles CA.

  a  w  a  r  d  s  /  a  c  h  i  e  v  e  m  e  n  t  s   ::


MFACA Alumni Panelist Judge. SVA MFA Alumni Scholarship Awards.
School of Visual Arts, 2007

• 2003 •
Recognized as one of the New Leonardos in presentation of The New York Digital Salon’03.
Winter Garden, World Financial Center. New York, NY.
School of Visual Arts MFA Group Residency.
Multi-Channel Sound Works. Engine 27. New York, NY.

• 2001 •

"Only a Moment".  Under the Silver Moon.
Published Poetry

• 2000 •

Merit Awards for Excellence in Performance & Cultural Preservation.
Dance Feast 2000: Choreographers Project. Hawaii State Dance Council.
Gallery Representation for photography.
Salon 5 Gallery, Honolulu, HI.
Performing Artist Commissioned Work.
Artspree 2000 . The Contemporary Museum Honolulu, HI.
Artist-in-Residence Lecture Series: Cheryl Flaherty.
Butoh & the Choreography of Iona Pear Dance Theatre. University of Hawaii- Manoa Theater & Dance.
Performing Artist Lecture & Residency. Die High School Theatre de Beaux Arts, FR.

• 1997 •
Bob Anderson Award of Achievement, Windward Artists Guild of Hawaii, HI.

• 1989 •

NCAA Div III Volleyball Championships.
Washington University in St. Louis, MO.
Women's Collegiate Scholarship Athlete.





A r t i s t   C V
