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Press Still
1min demo video


Symphony (2003)
Duration  00:03:56 (original)
Dir. Christine Kaaloa
installation video, performance & sound works

"Movement and the human body is a universal instrument of communication, like a mouth...everything it utters, whether minute or banal is an awakening of speech."

Symphony addresses the deconstructive exploration of movement-based languages which enables and codifies socialization and thus, creating sound through its silence. With a background in dance, Ms. Kaaloa’s Symphony explores the deconstructed poetic use of language through movement that shifts and shapes society through its banal and everyday pedestrian gestures and expressions. Originally conceived as a performance-video installation, Symphony can be screened as a stand-alone video piece (w/ or w/o audio).


Screenings & Exhibitions for Symphony:

Film Festival of Antwerp. Het Filmhuis. Antwerp, BE.
DANSCAMDANSE International Video Festival.
Film-Plaat. Ghent, BE.
VideoMixTape. TBD.
Innsbruck, Austria & Los Angeles, CA
V1b3 Summer 05: Video In the Built Environment Project.
Chicago-US, Liverpool-UK, Manchester-UK


Resurrection. Thirty-Nine Hotel Gallery. Honolulu, HI.

Vortice Argentina Festival: 6th Encuentro Internacional de Poesia Visual, Sonora Y Experimental. Centro Cultural      Recoleta. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Collisions. First Avenue Music. University of the Streets. New York, NY 2003. (performance)
MFA Thesis Show. Visual Arts Gallery. New York, NY 2003.
DIS-LODGED. SVA Westside Gallery . New York, NY.
Home Away From HOME VIDEOS. Remote Lounge. Curator: Jarryd Lowder. New York, NY.
The New Leonardos presents the Digital Salon 2003: Art & Events. World Financial Center Winter Garden. New York, NY. (interactive video installation

Symphony (2003- 1min demo video below)

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